Michael Garrison

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Latest activity by Michael Garrison
  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    The Arc Product-Market Fit Framework

    There are many ways of thinking about and approaching PMF (Product-Market Fit). This article walks founders through Sequoia's Arc framework for pre-seed and seed stage companies. https://www.sequo...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    Fundable Startup Guide

    Startups are the lifeblood of our economy and innovation across the globe. They create jobs, new products, dreams, and disruption. They are led by entrepreneurs who work hard to bring their ideas t...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    The Best Mentorships Help Both People Grow

    A transformational mentorship is a relationship that offers something powerful to both the mentee and the mentor. As a mentee, the trick to fully engaging your mentor lies in finding the right pers...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    Interview with Brian Chesky (founder and CEO Airbnb)

    Airbnb underwent a design-driven transformation, inspired by Apple's emphasis on design. They navigated the COVID-19 crisis by restructuring and replacing product managers with product marketers. A...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    Exit strategies: When to sell and not to sell

    The majority of successful startup exits come through acquisitions rather than initial public offerings (IPOs). Founders should realistically assess their startup's potential and limitations before...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    VC Funding: Things you lose

    Venture capital (VC) funding brings significant changes to a startup, including ceding some control and committing to hypergrowth, transparency, and accountability. Entrepreneurs need to ensure tha...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    What Investors Look For: POVs from the other side of the table

    The article discusses what venture capitalists (VCs) look for when evaluating startup pitches. To stand out and secure Series A investment, founders need to have a compelling startup story that dem...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    How To Read A Startup Term Sheet

    A startup's future can be significantly influenced by its term sheet for proposed financing. The term sheet outlines the financial terms, valuation, control, and profit distribution in the event of...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    Understanding Startup Pivots

    This article discusses the possibilities and challenges of startup pivots, drawing lessons from successful founders who have navigated these changes. Pivoting, or radically redirecting a startup, c...

  • Michael Garrison created an article,

    How to create investor pitch deck vc angels

    Creating a compelling pitch deck is crucial for startup founders seeking funding. In a short timeframe, usually 2-5 minutes, investors decide whether to meet with the founder based on the pitch dec...